Check out our Consideration Brochure
This brochure can be a great resource for learning about LYFGENIA™. Make sure to have it available and ready when talking to your doctor.
Have your questions ready when you need them
Keeping these questions handy while talking to your doctor or your QTC team can help you make informed decisions.
Connect with the sickle cell disease community
Whether you’re living with sickle cell disease or a caregiver, it’s important to remember—you’re not alone, and there may be others who have a similar story. Sickle cell disease support groups or organizations are good places to meet others like yourself, get educated, and find assistance when you need it.
Explore national sickle celldisease organizations
Are you an organization that would like to learn more about gene therapy and LYFGENIA?
Are you an organization that would like to learn more about gene therapy and LYFGENIA?
Connect with the bluebird Patient and Community Education Liaison (bPACE) team. The bPACE team provides patient education on gene therapy and LYFGENIA for local community-based organizations, support groups, and events.
It’s important to remember to always talk to your doctor for medical advice. If you are looking for individual support outside of a community-based organization or support group, my bluebird support also has additional resources to help.
More topics to explore
More topics to explore